Holly & Chris Luxury Homes


Renting or Selling Your House: What’s the Best Move?

If you own a house and are considering not selling it, but rather using it as a short-term rental property, there are potential challenges you should be aware of. Short-term rentals are becoming increasingly popular and are often seen as an alternative to staying in hotels. However, taking on the responsibility of managing a short-term rental property can be challenging. Here are some difficulties you may...

Purchase your dream home

Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Purchase Your Dream Home

Mortgage rates have significantly increased in the last couple of months, so you're questioning your plans to purchase a home. You're wondering if you should wait for rates to drop. Let's keep it real. Due to inflation, among other factors, rates are only expected to increase in 2023. The Federal Reserve needs time to get inflation under control, so if you're waiting for mortgage rates to decrease, you may...